The Program

Marketing and advertising are critically important to any business. Heather B. Moore encourages marketing activity and, upon approval, will subsidize 50% of the cost using earned Co-Op credit.

Accumulating Co-Op Credit

Co-op credit is calculated based on the amount of purchases from Heather B. Moore in the previous year. 5% of those purchases are “banked” and available to use in the current year. This total is based on total shipments, and all credits given throughout the year will be deducted from this amount.

An Example

Your store purchased $75,000 in Heather B. Moore merchandise last year. You have earned 5% or $3,750 to use in your advertising and marketing in the current year. If you decide to run an ad that cost $1,000 Heather B. Moore will supplement 50% of the cost, $500, as a credit on your account. If you decide to run an ad that cost $10,000 Heather B. Moore will supplement 50% of the cost up to your total available co-op credit, $3,750.

Approval Process and Guidelines

  • Advertisement must feature the Heather B. Moore line exclusively co-branded with your store. No other designer, vendor, and/or competitor can be featured.
  • All proposed content and costs must be sent to your account representative for review and final approval.
  • All final invoices must be sent to your account representative.
  • Payment will occur by way of a credit on your account and used on your next purchase, until it is fully depleted.

The Fine Print

  • Any co-op balance will be forfeited at the end of the current year
  • Co-op credit is not to be used for employee or stock purchases
  • Credits can only be applied towards orders that are placed after the final credit is approved and applied by Heather B. Moore
  • If a retailer has outstanding unpaid invoices, co-op credits will not be given until all invoices are brought current
  • Heather B. Moore reserves the right to end the co-op program at any point, or remove a specific account from the co-op program